All artwork ©Les
The Gothic 'S' was adopted in
remembrance of Leo Schlageter. Every Staffeln of the original three
Gruppen had it's own 'official' emblem except the 3rd. 1st was a
green grasshopper, 2nd a devils head which resembled that of 9./JG
54, 4th a tigers head, 5th the 'Habakuk', a cartoon diving bird, 6th
a Steinbock, 7th a red heart, 8th 'Adamson', was
another cartoon character and the 9th's 'Hellhound'. Note - 7
Staffels red heart was later to become associated with JG 77 when, in
1942, Major Joachim Müncheberg became Kommodore of that unit.
The following information is ©Motorbooks, and has been taken
from JG
26: Photographic History of the Luftwaffe's Top Guns ,
with permission. |
Geschwader Emblems
Wide variation existed in design of
the Geschwader shield, and no effort was made to standardize the
stencils above Staffel level. The
maximum size, 25x30cm, and location in front of the cockpit, were
fixed by the RLM (Reichsluftministerium) directive in 1937, which
applied to all JG 26-equipped Jagdgeschwader - deviation from this
location did not appear until mid 1940. By the end of 1939 the
aircraft of all but one of JG 26’s ten Staffeln are known to
have displayed unit emblems. No Gruppe emblems were developed or
displayed, probably because the Geschwader was one of the first to be
organized, and its Gruppen never led independent existences. |
"Schlageter" |
Early variation |
Geschwaderstab |
Erg |
III Gruppe Stab |
I Gruppe
The 1st Staffel’s Grasshopper
was Chosen by Oblt. Franz Hoernig, and replaced by his successor,
Oblt. Eberhard Henrici, with a more warlike spread-winged eagle. The
2nd Staffel’s Red devil was designed by Hptm. Walter Kienitz,
and was retained by his replacement, Oblt. Fritz Losigkeit. The
emblem changed in sophistication to the more familiar design, and
moved to the nose of the aircraft during the course of 1940. Although
at least two aircraft of Oblt. Johannes Seifert’s 3rd Staffel
displayed a bomb-carrying eagle, surviving aircrew state that this
was not a Staffel emblem. |
1st Staffel (early) |
1st Staffel (later) |
2nd Staffel (early) |
2nd Staffel (later) |
3rd Staffel |
II Gruppe
All Staffeln aircraft carried
emblems from late 1939 until they replaced their Bf 109E’s with
FW 190’s in the Autumn of 1941. The 4th Staffel lost its emblem
in September 1939 when most of its personnel left to form the 8th
Staffel in the new Third gruppe. The 4th Staffel’s new Kapitaen,
Hptm. Karl Ebbighausen, then chose a caricature of a tiger’s
head to represent the unit. The 5th Staffel’s was one of the
first chosen in the Geschwader. Oblt. Herwig Knueppel’s cartoon
raven, Hans Huckebein, was popular in the Condor Legion. The 6th
Staffel’s emblem was perhaps the most inspired choice of all.
Oblt. Alfred Pomaska’s design was a fictitious goat - a cross
between a chamois (fast and cunning) and an ibex (strong and
combative) - a suitable symbol for a fighter pilot. It stood
triumphantly upon a globe, straddling Europe. |
4th Staffel |
5th Staffel |
6th Staffel |
III Gruppe
The Third Gruppe - adopted symbols
soon after they were formed in September 1939. The 7th Staffel became
known as the "Red Heart" Staffel. Its emblem moved from
beneath the cockpit to the nose in mid 1940 and aquired a scalloped
white surround. The emblem disappeared when the cowlings were painted
yellow in the Autumn of 1940, but emerged the following Spring,
without the surrounding white border. The 8th Staffel’s Oblt.
Edu Neumann, inspired by the popularity of Mickey Mouse among the
Condor Legion veterans, adopted another cartoon character as a symbol
for his then 4th Staffel and took it with him to the 8th. He made it
known that his choice, Adamson, was a good German rather than an
American. The 9th Staffel adopted a red griffin, in German a
"Hollenhund" or hellhound., which evolved from late 1939 to
mid 1940 to the more familiar design. |
7th Staffel |
8th Staffel |
8th Staffel Variation (Rare) |
9th Staffel (early) |
9th Staffel (later) |
The emblem of the night fighting
Staffel, 10(Nacht)/JG 26, was an arching black cat. I have not been
able to find an example of the design but will continue to search.
The aircraft of the fighter-bomber
Staffel, 10(Jabo)/JG 26, often carried a stenciled white bomb design
just aft of the Balkenkreuz - see example on the Geschwader
aircraft profile page . |
Adolf Galland |
Alfred Pomaska |
* Heinz Gehrke |
* often
with the name "Pikus" depicted below emblem
Obstltn. Witt |
Josef Priller |
* Maj Gotthardt Handrick |
* The
Zylinderhut insignia was adopted by a number of pilots who had seen
service with the Condor Legion in Spain. Major Handrick had been
Kommandeur of Jagdgruppe 88. Another JG 26 pilot to display this
emblem was Hptm Herwig Knüppel. |